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Maggie’s Story

When Maggie adopted us 3 years ago, she spoiled us and we, in turn, spoiled her! Our little sweetheart wouldn't eat dog food and was a real challenge to feed. We found a canned dog food she would finally eat if we cooked pork chops and chopped it up and incorporated it into her food. Last night, at Festival Foods, I was buying pork chops and just happened into the pet aisle. There was the refrigerated section of Freshpet! I grabbed the chicken select....what the heck! The next morning, Maggie ate the food without added pork chops and I just fed it to her again for dinner! She absolutely LOVES it! Thank you! You now have VERY HAPPY CUSTOMERS! We're buying more tomorrow and will try all of the dog food! We're sure it will be a hit! Love You! Maggie, Gerry and Sandy Cepon

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