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Mochi, Maliang, Sumo, baby Yoko & chanel’s Story

I've raised big dogs and used the same dog food my whole life. But soon after the purchased of my 1st Pekingese, I realized he wasn't that easy. I just didn't know he and my future Peke's would be so difficult or just how picky they were till I tried the original food that I've used for over 30 years. He would not touch it, it was ridiculous, I must've gone through over 30 different products and nothing. Finally as I was shopping one day, I came across the refrigerated dog food and thought, "why not number 31. Lol I got home and pulled out the Freshpet Select food and finally something he liked. He loved it. I couldn't believe my eyes. But not only was the taste there, I saw the difference in his skin, coat and a big change in better health. Soon I had gotten my second, third and forth Pekingese and yes, they too were all the same. At one point I even tried to fool them into look a like dog food and they were not so fooled. So for the past 6 years and still today, my babies won't have it any other way. And every one of my babies look beautiful and healthy. I've even had my vet and many people compliment me on their beauty. So we decided no other food will ever do! My dogs demand the Freshpet food!!! So my dogs and I would like to thank you for one great product you have out there. And I will never try to fool them again! Sincerely, Terry "Mochi, Maliang, Sumo, new baby Yoko," & Chanel the Frenchy.

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