When I took my 14 year old Rat Terrier, George, in for a pre op check for dental cleaning and extraction, I was told that he has a heart murmur and was not a candidate for anesthesia. I was advised to switch him to a soft diet and to enjoy him for as long as he was comfortable. Canned food was a total failure and then about four months ago I found Freshpet; he loves Freshpet & is doing very well on it. I've recently noticed an unexpected benefit, George is growing hair on his chest for the first time in his life. His chest used to resemble a plucked chicken; I assumed it was a result of environmental allergies but I was wrong. We continue to walk fives miles a day, but now there's a noticeable spring in his step and he looks so good! He's feisty again; nobody can believe how old or how bad his heart is!