My beloved companion passed away last year at the age of 15. She had lived on raw beef and lots of veggies. I adopted Fiona, a 10 week old rescue, a few months later. I never believed in feeding dog food; I didn't think dog food could be as good as regular food. But Fiona didn't like to eat; she wouldn't eat beef or vegetables. We'd get by on baked chicken, a little fish, baked sweet potatoes and organic yoghurt. Fiona had incredible energy, loved to play, was very happy, but she needed to gain weight, and I was at a loss. We were at agility class a few weeks before Fiona had her first birthday and they were using Vital as encouragement treats. Fiona liked them and I bought some. She loves her Vital SO MUCH that when I come home from work she says hello and then runs to the fridge. It's been about 3 weeks and she still loves it! She has gained 1 of the 5 pounds the vet says she needs to gain, and she's now a happy eater!