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Letter #2273

Most people take the time to complain about a product, this is just the opposite. I have a 10 year old bulldog, who developed a problem with a very bad case of diarrhea. I took him to the vet and for over a year, my vet and I tried many things to help him. We changed his diet to special food, both hard and canned. We gave him antibiotics, probiotics, and nothing helped AT ALL. The final stage was to schedule him for tests. I did not want to put him through all that, but there was no other choice. One day before he was to go for the tests I saw your commercial on TV. It said that it was all fresh, with no preservatives, etc. I said why not, let's see if it works. He loved it and after two days of eating the food his poops were PERFECT once again! I called my vet and told him, he said it was "a short term fix, wait two weeks, it won't last." It is almost a year now and everything is still FIRM. My dog thanks you for his delicious food and I thank you for my clean backyard again!

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