Our 13-year old Cocker Spaniel is our constant companion. As is typical of Cockers, she has a slightly enlarged heart, which we are treating with Salix. She has, on occasion, gotten lung infections, which have been treated with antibiotics. The problem has been that when she gets infections, she goes off her food, and will only eat people food. This is not an ideal situation since we need her to keep up her strength and immune system by eating a healthy dog food diet. One day, we purchased a package of your food from Giant Eagle, wondering if this would please her. Wow! She dug into your food and is now eating (perhaps over-eating) like she used to. I am now taking her to a holistic vet, who approves of your food and has helped with other meds. She is like her old self; I feel we owe you so much for keeping her diet healthy and her strength up. I firmly believe a good, healthy, substantial diet is our best defense against the infections and health problems she was experiencing. So, we offer our heartfelt thanks.