“My 5 month old Yorkie loves this product she won't eat anything else. I love that every time I buy Freshpet select it is always fresh. I recommended it to all my friends with dogs! They feel the same way! Thanks For (…)”
“Dear FreshPet,
We are so thankful for your food! Our small French bulldog puppy, Henri, has had a sensitive stomach since he was 5 months old. We had tried all other brands of dog food, all types, and even tried making food for (…)”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I have a 9 year-old dog that will not eat dog food. I have tried every brand and every flavor and she refused them all. I had to cook chicken for her, which (…)”
“Our rescue Pekingese Falkor has had horrible seizures. Mind you that his seziures only happened once every six to eight weeks. Falkor was eating Beneful Dog Food and he was having seizures pretty frequently. After pulling him off of the dog food (…)”