Skin problems have been greatly reduced thankfully to Beef & Bison.
“Thank you for making such a great product for my 2 little guys. I have a 15 year old shihtzu with pretty bad skin allergies and have been looking for a grain free food. My Lhasa Apso and shithtzu are in (…)”
“We kept seeing the Freshpet refrigerator at the Supermarkets for a long time. My sometimes-better-half thought it would be a waste of money and that our dog wouldn't like it. Every time we would pass the refrigerator in the pet aisle, I (…)”
“Well, our story sounds like most of the other stories I read in all the letters. I have a 13yo yorkie, her name is Pretty. Something happened to her and she was throwing up and she stopped eating. I rushed her to (…)”