Likes the Fresh Baked turkey recipe. Wants to sell it.
“As a Pet Nutritionist, owner of a Pet Sitting/ Doggie Daycare Company, and someone who works in dog rescue with animals that are often traumatized, very fearful and highly stressed, I am always looking for ways to naturally reduce stress, anxiety and (…)”
“I have two 50-75 lb Pit Bulls who are both seniors. About a year ago, one of them started have digestion issues and has been unable to digest dry dog food. After a year of feeding him plain white rice (…)”
Pippy, Dakota (Dogs) Midnight, Shadow (Cats)’s Story
“I have two dogs, a 4 year old Chihuahua / Shih Tzu mix and a 3 year old Havanese / Pomeranian mix they are the most pickiest eaters I have ever seen in my life. They have been spoiled by nanny with (…)”
“WOW! I just recently purchased a package of your Dog Joy Chicken Treats for my 14 year old Italian Greyhound, Armani, and he just LOVES them. Our local Food City Store here in Bristol just started carrying your products, and (…)”