“Dear Fresh Pet,
Sophie is a 6 1/2-year-old King Charles Cavalier. Sophie was a sweet little girl who was my Aunt Betty's full-time companion. Aunt Betty is blind and deaf and relied on Sophie for companionship. Aunt Betty was unable to live alone (…)”
“Our fifth Shih Tzu is the fussiest ever. He would not eat kibble after he was a year old. We tried various products and then discovered your roll of fresh dog food. He loves it. He stands at the (…)”
“ My Bichon needs to eat Hills ID. sometimes it's not convenient to run to the vet to pick up another case because of their office hours and my work schedule. Would love to be able to buy at the supermarket. (…)”
“I have the pickiest eater in the world! I have tried every combination that I could think of, wet, dry, and everything in between, including going as far as making chicken and rice for my little now 5 pound (thanks to you) (…)”