“My beloved companion passed away last year at the age of 15. She had lived on raw beef and lots of veggies (there were complaints if broccoli was missing from the evening bowl). I adopted Fiona a few months later: a 10 (…)”
“We were trying to find a fresh food for the dogs that was grain free and not so high in Protein. One of our main concerns was the addition of organ meat in the dog food. Every other fresh roll offered with (…)”
This is a great product I would recommend to anyone. Miracle!
“My son has a 6 year old husky that never seemed to fill out no matter what we feed him, but we purchased some of your Freshpet chicken in the small package and started to mix it in with his dry food (…)”
“A #FreshStart with Freshpet is just what my cat, Poo needed! :) I started her on your food about 3 months ago. Previously she had been getting wet food from a popular brand in the mornings, and dry food left out for (…)”