Dear Freshpet, I never thought we would need an alternative food option. As an experienced canine professional and proud dog mom, I thought I had encountered and conquered every possible doggie dietary dilemma. I was wrong. Suddenly, our youngest dog, 1 year old Pug, Gronk, refused his kibble and canned food. We tried a few combinations of kibble and wet food, but he wasn’t interested. He was officially on a food strike. Our Mastiffs were as confused as we humans. What was happening? I saw your TV commercial and decided to give Freshpet a try. Gronk ATE IT ALL on the very first try. He was happy and we were so relieved. Of course the big dogs were curious as well, so they sampled some Freshpet and they love it too! We now have three well-fed and happy dogs thanks to your product. Thank you.