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Scout’s Story

Dear Freshpet, I can't believe I am writing a letter to a dog food company! I am not surprised though that, when compelled to search for your website to send you this, I found so many others had also written. I this day and age, when our people food is poisoned at every turn, many of us are becoming aware of the dangers of mass manufactured food. Then we think about our beloved pets..... Scout is a rescue dog and is the best dog I have ever had. He is such an integral part of my household and gives me so much love, I already know how sad I'm going to be when he's gone. I searched local canned dog food options and read all the labels looking for something that had more meat and less Chinese wheat gluten stuff (remember when so many dogs died of renal failure because of that.?!) Scout seemed to barely tolerate any of them.. I would put his bowl down and he would walk over and sniff it, give me a disappointed, sideways glance as if to say, "Really? THAT'S all there is?" and then he would proceed to eat it. Slowly. Many times he would skip his meals altogether Most times he would leave a little left he ate all that he had to in order to survive but couldn't stomach another bite. Can you blame him? None of it smelled very good to me. I can only imagine what it smelled like to him. Even though I felt like I had bought the best affordable option for him I noticed that he had regular stomach problems..... occasional constipation or even vomiting.. I had read that this was a common problem for some dogs and nothing to get concerned about but I WAS concerned. It didn't seem normal to me. I certainly wouldn't want to live life like that! If I tried a different brand of dog food, sometimes he wouldn't like it at all or, if he did eat it, the change would cause more constipation and stomach problems. Finally, I broke down and bought Freshpet. Yes, it was a little more expensive. Yes, I felt like a crazy, over-the-top dog owner but I just couldn't buy another can of something he was going to hate eating or something that was making him physically ill, impairing his quality of life and shortening his lifespan. From the first serving of Freshpet he was ECSTATIC about your product! When I make his dinner now he is dancing all around the kitchen, excited for his food! He gobbles it up like it Christmas AND cleans his bowl. every time! He even goes back to his bowl periodically throughout the day to check and see if there's anything he might have missed. What a difference! As for stomach problems....none. Zip, zero, zilch. His toileting habits never skipped a beat. I'm amazed. More importantly, my dog is happier. His quality of life has improved and I am so happy to be able to provide that for him given all that he has given to me and this family. He really is the best, smartest and most hardworking dog. He keeps squirrels, mailmen and shady dates of my teenage daughter at bay while giving me SO much love and affection and he never has accidents in the house unless they're truly accidents. He works so hard to please me. I feel bad that it took me two years to get around to trying your product. I know he has forgiven'll take a little longer for me to forgive myself. Thank you for your wonderful product. It's made a huge difference in my dog's life and, by extension, mine. Sincerely, Sharon Barr PS, He has so much heart. He even once jumped out of the open living room window to chase a squirrel.!! It was an 8 foot leap and it didn't even phase him..... he just kept going.! He thinks he can fly I guess. We now call him "Super Scout". Attached is a photo of him working the backyard.

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