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Sage’s Story

My name is Brittany, and when I was 13 years old I was given the most beautiful gift which was my dog Sage. Sage has always been by my side, through good times, and in bad. There's been many times where I would come home crying and I knew Sage would be by my side and be my comfort. As I've gotten older and moved for university, I always call my mom morning and night to ask how Sage is. Recently, we found out Sage was diagnosed with cancer. It was the most horrible thing I have gone through and I can only imagine how it's affecting her. After doing tons of research we discovered that all the food choices we made for her were not as healthy as we thought. I was going through the grocery store the one day and came across the little fridge in the pet aisle with Fresh Pet foods. Not only do I feel better about the foods I'm giving Sage, but I also see a better change in her. I'm so thankful to find healthy food that I can afford and that helps my dog live a healthier and happier life.

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