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Letter #3287

ZOE is our senior Newfoundland. ( she will be 14 this September!) The week she had been spayed, she also decided to eat a cassette tape. ZOE was so very very sick. The vet took x-rays and saw a tremendous mass in her stomach so of course, had to operate. The first problem was when they tried to put the trachea tube into her again, they couldn't! They made a small incision in her neck to see what the blockage was and pieces of 'tape' were present. The next problem was not actually all the yards of cassette tape in her stomach, but the tape had already begun to wrap around her intestine and turned it black. They had to remove much of her intestine and ZOE actually died on the operating table at one point. 5 hour operation finally over, they gave ZOE 2 weeks to live. I mentioned, she will be 14 this September, and I totally believe that her Freshpet Select diet has everything to do with it. The food is fresh, healthy, very digestible and because I keep it in the refrigerator, it is cold. .and Newfy's love cold! I have told many people about this amazing dog food!

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