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Letter #2287

Before I started feeding Freshpet to my eight year old Chihuahua, Oscar, he had been steadily losing the fur on his underbelly. My vet told me that he was losing his fur because he had baldness! I had never heard of that. I was concerned that he had perhaps some malnutrition or some thyroid condition. But I thought, ok, I guess I won't worry about this anymore. Over time he started losing weight and more of his underbelly hair to the point that he was almost completely hairless on his belly and he was losing the hair on the inside of his legs. The hair on the rest of his body was coarse and dry. He had been eating pet food that was being sold by the veterinarian. Some of the food was recalled and then they didn't carry it anymore. Then the vet started selling a new line that he would not eat. So I had to switch to some other brands that were sold in the big pet store chains. During the course of all of these pet food changes his stomach and bowels were often irritated and he would have diarrhea and then hard stools even after having been on the new food for a few months. He was still losing weight, was lethargic, and had more hair loss. Whenever I would go to buy his food at the big pet store chain I would read the ingredients on all the different pet foods. It was very disappointing that I could not find a clean, healthy food for my dog. I was thinking that the best thing would probably be to make my own pet food for him. I was shopping one day at Target and happened to notice the Freshpet refrigerator. My interest was piqued and so I went over and read the ingredients on the package. I said to myself, Wow! This food is clean, fresh and healthy. I bought a package for him. My vet had told me that whenever I switched to a new food that I should always introduce a small amount in his bowl mixed in with the previous food so that it would not make him sick. Right when I opened the Freshpet bag my dog ran up to the package and had to smell it. He was excited when I put some of the food in his dish. I mixed it up with his kibble. He picked through the whole bowl and only ate the Freshpet. The next day he didn't have diarrhea or constipation. He was excited to eat again. After eating Freshpet for three months, all of his underbelly fur has grown back, his coat is soft, and he is at a healthy weight! Thank you Freshpet people for making clean, nutritious food for my beloved pet. I can't thank you enough for restoring my dog's health. He is a different dog now! Please keep doing what you are doing, because your food is amazing. Please do not change the ingredients or the process because it is expensive to produce. I am willing to pay the price to keep my dog healthy and happy. Once again, thank you!

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