I would like to express my gratitude for helping to "save" my furry friend. Maxx, our 14 year old Ocicat, suddenly stopped eating his routine cat food (which was a high quality name brand). The vet couldn't find a reason why. We became terribly worried as he began to become very thin and would cry incessantly to eat but would snub every new type of food we presented. Finally, while I was walking in the local Kroger, I glanced over and noticed your selections. I don't normally purchase cat food from food stores but I was particularly intrigued by the all natural ingredients. Lo and behold, Maxx was very pleased and began to savor every bite. We started him on the wet food selections and moved onto the soft kibbles. We are very excited to see our Maxx thriving again. Thank you sincerely for contributing to a happy and healthy family!