Wanted to say thank you for your food. Very impressed. Helped dogs.
“Just wanted to thank you so much for your amazing food! Though it is quite a bit more expensive than our budget typically allows, we make the sacrifice for our dogs. A year and a half ago, your food made (…)”
“My pomeranian is the biggest food snob dog that I have ever had. He turns his nose up at raw hamburger but will eat Freshpet, no matter the flavor. I also have an older dog which I use Freshpet like (…)”
“I had taken my cats off dry food and switched them to wet after hearing so much about kidney and UTI issues. It was a challenge, as I free feed my cats and I couldn't even leave wet food down because (…)”
“My Madison has a major stomach issue she used to go out and eats grass to throw up daily, sometimes several times. She is pickiest eater EVER. I can't begin to add up the amount of dog food that I have either (…)”
You created a monster! She will only eat your food.
“YOU HAVE CREATED A MONSTER!!!!! I was worried about my senior Wire hair dachshund, who was slowing down and lethargic. I thought it might be time to change her food to a healthier alternative versus what we were giving her. We tried (…)”