“Dear Freshpet-
Khalie is now one - she has tried so many different foods and after a while stop eating - and drinks her water. We gave her Freshpet and she loved it! After 6months she normally would not eat, but she still (…)”
“I have been feeding my cat Freshpet Select for about 6 months now. I could not be happier. She is a pure short haired black cat and her hair looks like silk and feels like silk. She is so much happier. She (…)”
“If your dog is addicted to table food and never eat their dog food,I would recommend this!
For 10 years I would only make my dog meals(healthier) but now that this product is on the shelf it's so convient and he actually likes (…)”
“I have recently received several samples of Freshpet from various dog events I have been to. I have a 14 yr. old Am Staff andufffdufffda 25 Mo. old,ufffdufffdthe pup is good she can eat anything. BUT my 14 yr. old has battled (…)”