We have a very fussy poodle who will only eat human food. Even the soft food that he used to love he refused to eat any more. But he absolutely loves Freshpet. I hope this is a profitable venture for you so you continue to make this food.
“Dear Freshpet,
At 12 years old, on May 17, 2016 it was discovered that Maya had a paralyzed larynx and needed laryngeal tie-back surgery. The surgery would leave her at high risk for aspiration pneumonia from small particles from dry dog food being (…)”
“Wow! My dog loves this food. We been buying all different kinds ands she turns her nose up to it. I just did not know what to do. I have spent hundredes on foods and she does not like any of (…)”
“I love the Vital Cat Food formula. Our cat Gracie, age 18 years, has been a picky eater all her life. In the past year, she has had some health problems and lost weight due to age. I started feeding her your (…)”