My puppy was abused before I adopted her and she would often cower and be afraid of most things. But after feeding her your Dog Joy treats, she's happy & playful.
“It was recommended by another pet parent that we try Freshpet. Punkie cleaned her plate! Punkie is a 3.5 year old 4 pound Chihuahua. She has turned her little snoot up to almost everything we've tried to feed her. (…)”
“We have a 15 year old dog who we thought was on her last legs. She didn't move much, lost 95% of her hair, and had zero energy. I told my wife I wasn't going to let her last meals (…)”
“I have a little poodle named Peaches as she is very light beige but the very pink skin shows through and makes her look peachy color.
We love her very much.
I had never heard of your dog food before but she is very (…)”