Thank You for providing this awesome Dog Food! FS Chicken.
“I discovered your product a few months ago and really like it. My little Chihuahua "PePe" loves it! I appreciate having a healthier alternative than canned or dry food and the price is very reasonable. One 1.5 pound roll lasts me eight (…)”
“My husband and I adopted Aracelli from our local Humane Society. She immediately walked over to me and pressed her cheek against the fencing. As I began to stroke her fur through the fencing I noticed that Aracelli was severely (…)”
FP saved my dogs life! Called us too. Posted on FB.
“Recently, I rescued a Great Pryenees that had severe bone cancer. She wasn't eating and was so weak that no vet would perform the necessary amputation to save her life. I tried everything to get her to eat but she wasn't interested (…)”