“My senior Chihuahua, Prada, had to have her final teeth pulled back in January which is something not uncommon to her breed. I was worried with her age of 10 and now no teeth that I would have a terrible time finding (…)”
“Abbie Girl has had a wonderful experience using Freshpet Select Roasted Meals. Her coat is very shiny and overall health has improved. She is an older dog and at her annual check up the vet tells me she is so pleased. She (…)”
“My shih tzus LOVE your Dog Joy chicken treats. They can`t have just one or two at a time, they DEMAND more and more.Thanks for this great product. My dogs thank you too :) ”
“I get it out of the fridge and look down to 4 eyes with anticipation in them. One a 12 lb Rat Terrier and the other an 8 lb Pomeranian. I take it to the counter, guess who follows? I slice of (…)”