I just want to complement your company for putting out a wonderful product, Dognation treats. My Siberian Husky, Cheyenne loves them. I cut them up and using them as training treats, as well as using them to bribe her into letting me groom and bathe her. Keep up with the good work!!
“I have two rescue dogs. A Papillon/Beagle mix named Sully Maxwell, and a Bulldog/Great Dane named Owen Riley. We rescued Sully as a young puppy and other than being small with little legs... so weight is important, he's a healthy 5 year (…)”
“My tiny toy poodle had everyday diarrhea and vomiting. I researched and decided to try, Vital. As soon as I did within 24 hours, all problems stoped. I wish I had tried this with my 2 other dogs, before they got put (…)”
“My senior Chihuahua, Prada, had to have her final teeth pulled back in January which is something not uncommon to her breed. I was worried with her age of 10 and now no teeth that I would have a terrible time finding (…)”