“I bought your dog food in an effort to entice my dog to actually eat her dinner. She scarfed it down! My dog is a 10 pound rat terrier and is unable to eat food with a high fat content. Freshpet has (…)”
“Jack was a rescue dog. I saved him on his last day in a high kill shelter where he was scheduled to be put down. He was only 6 months old and skin and bones. He turned 10 in April 2020. In (…)”
Kiko and Puder Pusta(Powder Puff in Swedish)’s Story
“We have two American Eskimos, Kiko - 14 and Puder Pusta -(means powder puff in Swedish) -3. Kiko had been licking his paws continuously to the point of bleeding and opening up large sores. The Vet confirmed it was allergies probabully to (…)”