“I get it out of the fridge and look down to 4 eyes with anticipation in them. One a 12 lb Rat Terrier and the other an 8 lb Pomeranian. I take it to the counter, guess who follows? I slice of (…)”
“Please never go out of business! If you start doing commercials, my two doggies would be perfect. They get so excited when I feed them their Dognation treats, that they can hardly contain their excitement. I have to (…)”
“I started out with the small portion of Freshpet select thinking it is probably going to be just another food that my dog may or may not like and then give up on it. Nope, my dog LOVES this food plus she (…)”
“We adopted our Russian Blue cat Natasha from a Shelter back in February. We've been feeding her Vital for about 5 months now. she's a very finicky eater. But she absolutely loves Vital. We've noticed her fur has a very nice shine (…)”
“Our Rat Terrier/Cattle Dog mix suffered from horrible allergies. She had raw skin on her belly, base of the tail, and elbows. Our vet said it was most likely a corn allergy so we eliminated corn and that helped some but not (…)”