“Thank you so much for making the vital turkey recipe fresh dog food. I have two shorkies who are allergic to chicken and it was very hard to find food made from turkey for them. Once we found the vital (…)”
FP GF is a great food! It helped my rescue dog! Thank you!
“I just wanted to contact your company and give you my review of how great your product is. Last summer I adopted a 12 year old Lhasa Apso from the Oregon Humane Society. He arrived with many issues, including a lot of (…)”
“I was hesitant to try Freshpet as my dog usually gets an upset stomach from anything other than her kibble. I bought the Freshpet small loaf of chicken and headed home. I sliced up about half the serving size and gave it (…)”
In Order: Tootsie-15, Peanut-14, Mundi-16, Maxum-7, Bluebell,-6.’s Story
“I've been feeding my dogs dry dog food for all of their lives. Occasionally I would put some wet food in if they weren't eating it all. I started hearing about grain free and gluten free dog foods and since all my (…)”