“My pomeranian is the biggest food snob dog that I have ever had. He turns his nose up at raw hamburger but will eat Freshpet, no matter the flavor. I also have an older dog which I use Freshpet like (…)”
“Dear Freshpet,
I started my two senior dogs on Freshpet on top of their dry kibble. I did this as a trial as they have been spoiled picky eaters. They immediately loved Freshpet - and I have noticed that my Maltese shitzu who (…)”
“Your pet food is wonderful. Our cat was throwing up, at least 2 times a week. Since we started him on the Freshpet food, he rarely throws up. Thank you for making such a wonderful product for the four (…)”
In Order: Tootsie-15, Peanut-14, Mundi-16, Maxum-7, Bluebell,-6.’s Story
“I've been feeding my dogs dry dog food for all of their lives. Occasionally I would put some wet food in if they weren't eating it all. I started hearing about grain free and gluten free dog foods and since all my (…)”