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Letter #107

We have two small dogs that are both rescue pups. One has stomach issues, and skin allergies. I had cooked for them for a few years, but they began to turn their nose up to chicken, red meats and vegetables. I would boil most of their foods which the vet had told me to do. I started trying different can foods, and threw most of it away.. I would have to wake 2 and 3 times a night to let Dandy out, due to vomiting or an upset stomach. She would wake me to let her out to eat grass. I saw a commercial on tv about Fresh Pet and decided to try it. I was so tired of wasting money on food I would fix, or purchase and then throw away. Both dogs took to the fresh pet immediately. They love the taste, and I have tried everything you make. I have never had to throw any more foods out, and the one that has the skin allergies, quit taking meds after two weeks on your food. They love the snacks, and guess what? No more getting up at night and letting the dogs out to eat grass. Their digestive systems have healed and we are so pleased. I tell everyone I know about fresh pet. I am saving money buying your product, because I never have to throw anything away. Thanks for making such a wonderful product. Sincerely, Jane Turner., Dingo, and Dandy.

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