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Phoebe The Cutest’s Story

I Phoebe the Cutest cannot tell you how BENEFICIAL and great tasting, the Chicken, Vegetable and Rice Dog Food is. I have been eating this product ever since it first appeared in Oregon. When I was introduced to FreshPet, even my dad, Steve said it looked good enough to eat and reminded him of a chicken pate!! I get so excited when it is meal time (breakfast and dinner) that I do a very HAPPY dance/ race thru the house at least 2 times! This is the very best food for me. It helps me to maintain my weight and girlish Wirehair Dachshund figure. AND It is MADE IN THE USA. I am so thrilled to see FreshPet Nation is finally getting recognized and stocked in more stores so that I can spread "the FreshPet Word". FreshPet is a GREAT product!

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Both dogs love FS the fresh and dry food. It makes me feel great using it.
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