Tippy is looking forward to eating again thanks to FFTK.
My 15 year old lab, Tippy, recently decided she was no longer happy with the food she'd been on most of her life. I switched her to Freshpet Home cooked Chicken food and she's back to her "looking forward to eating mode." Thanks from both of us.
“Dear Freshpet-
My family got our yorkie, Puddles, when I was 8 years old. He has always been lively and active- at only 6 pounds, he would beat my sister and I in a foot race every single day! Anyone who came to (…)”
“This is my very very finicky chihuahua Dixie's fave of all time!! He is so crazy about this dinner he licks the bowl clean!!! It used to be hard to push him to eat.But this lamb dinner makes him go crazy to (…)”
Kiko and Puder Pusta(Powder Puff in Swedish)’s Story
“We have two American Eskimos, Kiko - 14 and Puder Pusta -(means powder puff in Swedish) -3. Kiko had been licking his paws continuously to the point of bleeding and opening up large sores. The Vet confirmed it was allergies probabully to (…)”
“My dog, Lacey, has been fighting cancer since January and on a daily regime of chemotherapy pills. We struggle giving them to her, but discovered that rolling up balls of the Vital fresh food, with the pill inside, help her to (…)”