My 3 dogs love this food, all 3 are puppies and one is an Italian mastiff. I have never seen a dog so eager to eat. If you ever make a commercial, she should be your dog for it.
“I just learned about your products while researching natural food for our new dog. We found this at Petsmart and our dog LOVES it!! Thank you for a great product!!! ”
“Our sweet girl Raleigh is a boxer/shepherd/pitt/something rescue. She is a dear girl who seemed to have dry skin and hot spots. She would scratch, not too excessive, but enough that we were concerned. We got a sample of Freshpet at Costco (…)”
“We have two dogs, Sasha (9) and Mammoth (1). Sasha is a chow chow/german shepherd mix and has the beginning stages of arthritis, and has a fluid-like film over her eyes. She was really just slowing down. After freshpet we never looked (…)”
“I have 3 very fussy JRT's and 2 of them always seemed to have the runs. Nothing seemed to help (not even meds). Then I discovered Freshpet. My fur kids have been on it over a year now and not only have (…)”
“My 8 year old rescued cocker spaniel, Scarlett, was diagnosed with lymphoma. After consulting with a veterinary oncologist, we started her chemo treatment. She is doing well overall, but as the chemo progresses, her appetite suffers. I have tried every canned an (…)”